Dessert inspired, all-natural laundry products
Planet safe. Toxin-free. Parent approved.

How to Strip Your Cloth Diapers using our products
To Smell or Not to Smell; healthy fragrance guide

SLS/SLES free!
Phthalate free!
Gluten free!
Safe for HE machines!
Made in Canada!
No animal testing!
Made with real soap!
Cold water safe!
Phosphate free!
Chlorine free!
Paraben free!

Feel confident about the ingredients that go on your skin and down the drain!

Cloth diaper safe!
Residue free!
Made with 80% food grade ingredients!
Safe for sensitive skin!
Tough on stains!
Click HERE for a full list of our ingredients

Sweeten Your Laundry!


Our commitment: The Laundry Tarts all natural laundry products are dedicated to providing a safe, fun and natural alternative to commercial laundry products for sensitive baby skin and every day laundry. We use all natural ingredients to remove stains and keep whites bright! You'll never look at laundry detergent the same way again!"
Learn more about our mission HERE

Green Laundry Tips
Kick off your new green laundry routine

All-natural Laundry Products
Top products chosen by you!
1 Only use the recommended amount of detergent
Although many laundry do-ers associate adding more soap with having a better clean, this can actually cause some laundry problems such as residue, build up and mold.
2 Don't overload your washing machine.

1 Pina Colada Detergent
Escape into a tropical paradise with this creamy blend of pinapple and coconut. Turn your laundry room into a tropical paradise! Pair with Tumbler Tart Dryer Balls and scenting kit for a stronger scent.
Overloading your machine can prevent soap and water from dispensing to all your garments. Along with your agitation cycle, more room between your outfits means that the soap and water will have better access to a better clean.
3 Pre-treat your stains.
Some stains need a little extra TLT. By pre-treating your stains before throwing them in the wash gives them a better chance at removal and can prevent heat from setting in the stain.
Sweeten, soften and reduce static with our 100% fair trade wool dryer balls. As an alternative to chemical dryer sheets and PVC balls, these Tumblers last up to 5 years and can be paired with any one of our signature scenting kits for the sweetest clothes in town!
3 Bubblegum Scenting Kit
Kids voted #1 Favorite! This sweet, juicy bubblegum popping with bubblicious scent is perfect for the young, or young at heart!

2 Tumbler Tart Dryer Balls


"Love Laundry Tarts! Couldn't live without Strip It! for our stinkies"
"Love Love Love Laundry Tarts dryer balls! I have had the best experience using Laundry Tarts for my cloth diapers. "

"OMG, OMG!!! I have used my TLT 3x on my diapers and they are brighter, cleaner, less dingy, and smell 10x better!!! It also got fresh strawberries out of a top after soaking for only 1hr!! So happy I found you wonderful ladies"
Jamie-Lee White
"I absolutely love this detergent! It has a fabulous smell and the ingredients are gentle on clothes, especially for my daughter who suffers from chronic eczema"

I just wanted to send out a HUGE THANK YOU to the Tarts for helping me with my diaper washing problems! My residue problems are no more"